
Being Stalked On Facebook by Roseanna Leaton

Have you ever been Facebook stalked?  What happens when its related to your partner? Checkout this informative article Being Stalked On Facebook by Roseanna Leaton, for an interesting tale of what happens and what you can do to protect yourself.
Being stalked on facebook is not a pleasant experience. I wonder in actual fact how many people have been stalked on facebook? When one thinks about stalking the first scenario which pops to mind is one of a man obsessively following a woman with some sort of physically abusive intent. 
But stalking actually takes many different forms. In fact, something which happens more frequently than you might expect is that someone begins to stalk you on facebook. So many of us share photographs and an immense amount of our lives in written format on social sharing sites such as facebook or through placing blog posts. Sometimes this is simply a social thing which we do; at other times this type of social posting is part of your business networking and marketing of your business interests. 
You do not tend to get stalked by complete strangers whether you are being stalked in person or being stalked on facebook; there is usually a tie of some description, loose though it may be. Thus it comes as a bit of a surprise when you are in the latter category (posting for business purposes) and you get stalked. 
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